Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally ; 2017; 18' x 21'; text crocheted with cotton thread into cheesecloth, installed with cotton thread
  Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally  detail
  Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally  detail
  Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally ; 2017; 18' x 21'; text crocheted with cotton thread into cheesecloth, installed with cotton thread

Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally; 2017;
18' x 21'; text crocheted with cotton thread into cheesecloth, installed with cotton thread

  Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally  detail

Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally detail

  Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally  detail

Secret Messages the Desert is Sending to Me Personally detail
